Enterprise Redistricting Software & Services by Citygate GIS
Sen McDougle Partial CD
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District 3
District 4
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Population and Geography based on 2020 census
Joel Galloway
District 4 has too little of a black population. You can add more in by removing the precincts from Richmond, Chesterfield, and Henrico that are white majority and adding Franklin city, Suffolk and Southampton. You should aim for greater than 40%. The 38% you have in this map is too low and is lower than the current district's percentage of blacks as well. This would not ensure minority representation since whites make up 64% of the district. This district would be illegal under the VRA.
Carolyn Caywood
What is supposed to happen between this district 4 and the sea? There are too many people for one Congressional District and no sensible dividing lines unless you mean to rip the top off Virginia Beach and paste it onto the Eastern Shore and then cross Chesapeake Bay for the rest of the people it will take to make another district.
Sam Shirazi
I believe this is a better way to draw African-American districts than the Commission maps, but it might make sense to take in parts of Suffolk and Franklin to increase the African-American percentage. The district could lose lower African-American parts of Norfolk and Newport News.
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