MyDistricting | VIRGINIA
Enterprise Redistricting Software & Services by Citygate GIS
Tom Davis Congressional
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District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
Road Map
Census Legend
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Current Map Zoom: 8
Population and Geography based on 2020 census
David Hechtman
This plan splits Fairfax County's Woodburn precinct (#717) in half and separates our residents from local FCPS schools, our nearest post office, and our member of Congress who has known our neighborhood for decades.
Matt Rowe
It looks like someone was filling up a Henrico-shaped glass and ran out of water. WHY is this little bit of the West End separated from the rest??
Michael Ellwood
District 7 should include Albemarle, and the valley should not be split as much. If you looked at business, healthcare, and even personal movement data, you would see that Albemarle is much more closely linked north than south as it is in this map. The same goes for data for the Valley.
Ethan Gruber
A agree with others that the Shenandoah Valley should not be separated. The district 7 counties in the Valley should be added to 6. To make up the difference, District 7 should include the Charlottesville metro area counties, perhaps down to Lynchburg. Anything south of Lynchburg could go to district 5, including possibly Lynchburg itself.
Peggy Layne
This is a reasonable way to draw district 9. I agree with Sam that it does not make sense to split the Shenandoah Valley. Franklin County has little in common with the Valley counties and fits better in a southside district.
Joel Galloway
This map splits off most of Chesterfield with areas in the south that have nothing in common with it. Additionally, the black population you have in district 4 is too low with 38%. District 4 should remove more white majority precincts in Henrico and add Franklin and Suffolk county to increase the percentage of African Americans. You can reconfigure 3 to do this. Then you can create a district that includes Chesterfield and Henrico together, which is more optimal than splitting the Richmond area 3 ways. This map really dilutes voters in Chesterfield and Henrico.
Sam Shirazi
Just a correction to my other comment, I meant District 4 should include Franklin (I see it includes Emporia).
Sam Shirazi
This configuration for the Seventh does not make sense because it connects unrelated parts of Central Virginia, Northern, Virginia, and the Shenandoah Valley. It makes more sense to base it in the Charlottesville area
Sam Shirazi
This is a reasonable way to draw the First so that it does not extend all the way into Norther Virginia.
Sam Shirazi
I do not believe that it makes sense to split the Shenandoah Valley into two districts. It is better to have the Sixth go all the way "down the valley." The tenth could then take in the Charlottesville area.
Sam Shirazi
I believe that District 4 can have a higher percentage African-American as required under the VRA by including Emporia and Suffolk.
