MyDistricting | VIRGINIA
Enterprise Redistricting Software & Services by Citygate GIS
B7 Statewide HOD
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Census Legend
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Current Map Zoom: 8
Population and Geography based on 2020 census
Gail Christie
This proposed district is approximately 77% White, 9% Black. Our local high school is 54% White, 22% Black. This district does not reflect the diversity of our community, and dilutes the voices of our minority citizens.
Gail Chrisgtie
The proposed district for my neighborhood appears to be approx. 77% White, 9% Black. Our local high school is 54% White, 22% Black. This district completely fails to reflect the diversity of my community.
David Hechtman
This redistricting plan splits Woodburn precinct in Fairfax County (#717) in half and divides Merrifield across 4 districts.
Linda M Layser
You have ignored a ridgeline that will put Riverheads people into Pastures. It is such a major dividing line that you will cause people to go great distances to get to voting booth. It would be better to redrawing lines toward Buffalo gap to meet your needs.
James Calvin Pyles
If the objective of the maps is to eliminate decades of gerrymandering and restore a meaningful right to vote, then carving Albemarle County and Charlottesville into three districts undermines those objectives. I grew up in Shadwell, graduated from UVA and have retired in Crozet and it was the similar social, cultural and economic interests of Charlottesville and Albemarle County that drew me back to this area. The bonding influence of the University of Virginia was also a factor. This cohesiveness should be preserved rather than ignored.
Theodore Bloechle
While I like that most of Tyson's remains intact in this map, I think that Southernmost corner should be grouped with the rest as well.
Theodore Bloechle
While I like that most of Tyson's remains intact in this map, I think that Southernmost corner should be grouped with the rest as well.
Theodore Bloechle
While I like that most of Tyson's remains intact in this map, I think that Southernmost corner should be grouped with the rest as well.
Theodore Bloechle
While I like that most of Tyson's remains intact in this map, I think that Southernmost corner should be grouped with the rest as well.
Theodore Bloechle
While I like that most of Tyson's remains intact in this map, I think that Southernmost corner should be grouped with the rest as well.
Theodore Bloechle
While I like that most of Tyson's remains intact in this map, I think that Southernmost corner should be grouped with the rest as well.
Yulissa Macias
Why is Richmond split up so much? It literally cuts not only me but other parts of the community off. Splits up a good chunk of the Hispanic community. Splitting up Richmond as if everyone only stays in these parts of it when that's not the case. Like VCU has a very big effect on all of the city. The way this is split up to benefit the gentrified parts and affluent communities.
Robert Austin Slough
Richmond has been pinwheeled, and we all know why. This is clearly partisan gerrymandering. A firm reminder a particular right-wing party can't actually win without cheating. Do better, be better- this is pathetic.
Amanda Kirk
Stop trying to gerrymander the map in your favor and do it properly.
Tyler Young
Map is gerrymandered in your favor I guess this is the only way you guys can win elections... Stop being obstructionist and work with your colleagues.
Tyler Young
Stop trying to gerrymander the map in your favor and do it properly. Terrible redistricting - But I get it it's the only way you can win elections.
My big problem with this entire map is the lack of data supporting each of these divisions. The lack of transparency is incredibly apparent and gives off the impression that this is done to further create divide and partisan politics. Richmond is a clear-cut example, but it seems to be impacting democratic voices moreso than not.
Tina Winkler
Powhatan should not be cut in half for HOD 56. Goochland is kept together--thank you. However, Powhatan should be kept together as well.
Carolyn Caywood
This appears to me to split off a couple thousand members of the Asian American community as compared to district #52 in map A7
Carolyn Caywood
I don't think this division is fair to Hampton. I think A7 is preferable here.
Fellissimo Gannon
There is absolutely no reason for Montgomery County to be split into three different districts. It was clearly drawn this way for partisan reasons. While Blacksburg and Radford should be in a district together, as they share similar communities, there is no reason for the district containing them to extend into Giles County. Blacksburg and the surrounding area should remain together, in a district along with Radford and western Montgomery County, including Christiansburg. Residents regularly travel between these areas for work, shopping, etc. As the maps are currently drawn, and as this A7 map is proposed, Montgomery county is divided up for political reasons in order to diminish this community's ability to choose a representative in tune with the issues it faces.
This new map is much worse than its predecessor. James City County and Williamsburg have many common interests, such as joint school and judicial systems. This map cuts James City off from Williamsburg and lumps it in with rural counties to the north that have little in common with it.
Laura Tripp
All of James City County and Williamsburg should be in the same District. This map has it split into several districts which don’t make sense. The goal of this effort was to develop compact districts, not ones like we currently have and like the ones proposed here - long and meandering. Again, it is important that all of James City County stays together.
John Kern
My apologies to the map drawer but it simply does not make sense to split James City County in this manner. Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown have a community of interest going back centuries! They should be together.
Rebecca Johnson
Alleghany County and Botetourt County should be together. Highland County has more interaction with Augusta. Alleghany citizens have hardly any interaction with Augusta other than passing through when traveling. Alleghany has some interaction with Rockbridge, but not nearly as much as with Botetourt. Botetourt and Alleghany are like sister counties. Many citizens in both locations work and play and the other location. Alleghany has very little interaction with Highland County. We have interaction with Bath, but not as much as we do with Botetourt. I don't see Botetourt having anywhere near as much interaction with Bedford as it does Alleghany. This is a location mismatch. Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, and Augusta would be a better match. Alleghany and Botetourt are a match. Please fix this.
Jennifer Tierney
District 39 is anything but compact and becomes a long meandering district that runs through many communities. Jamestown and Williamsburg represent a historical community of interest and should be in the same district. We need to stop splitting James City County from east to west and instead focus on North and South. JCC is a very different county from the bottom to the top, with the northern county much more rural.
Brady Walker
It appears that my email, submitted on 10/5, was not included in the most recent report generated for Southside on 10/7. To quickly distill the point I tried to make in that email, it appears that current and former republican elected officials from this region are trying to prevent the creation of a competitive house district that contains Martinsville and Danville.
Brady Walker
I attended Virginia Tech and worked in Giles County while in college. While I don't pretend to know the region that well I can't understand why Blacksburg, Radford, and all of Giles County are lumped together in a single district.
Sam Shirazi
It does not make sense to includes rural Giles county with Radford and Blacksburg. Also it does not make sense to split Montgomery County into three districts. Makes much more sense to include a Radford and Blacksburg all in Montgomery County.
Sam Shirazi
Again, this division of Albermarle County makes no sense. It is much more logical to create a seat based on Charlottesville and then another seat surrounding it. There is no reason to split Albermarle right down the middle.