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A6 Statewide HOD
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Census Legend
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Current Map Zoom: 8
Population and Geography based on 2020 census
Gerald Welch
It looks like you want to move Fox Mill Precinct into a different district than Floris Precinct. There is a community of interest that straddles those precincts - Fox Mill Estates HOA. I believe it's 1,176 homes, and it is beneficial to keep the entire HOA into a single Delegate district as it is now (86th)
Peggy Layne
Thank you for making the town of Blacksburg whole and putting it in a district with Radford. However, those university communities have little in common with rural Giles County, and Montgomery County is split three ways. It would make more sense to combine Blacksburg, Radford, and Christiansburg, including a few precincts east of Blacksburg, into one district with the remainder of Montgomery County in another district, and group Giles County with its more rural neighbors to the north or south.
Shannon Hurley
In this, as in so many proposals, District 71 comes down like a fist to absorb part of Virginia Beach. This area of Virginia Beach is completely suburban area. The Eastern Shore, which would comprise the rest of District 71, is rural and semi-rural. The two parts have few concerns in common. Inevitably, the delegate would have to choose which constituents to support and which to ignore. Instead, the Eastern Shore should be expanded be expanding the district to the west, across the Chesapeake Bay, which historically unites the communities on either side.
Ian Dixon
Please recognize that Albemarle County is a Community of Interest. I live 1.5 miles outside of Charlottesville City, and although I am in Albemarle County I have a Charlottesville mailing address. Albemarle County is increasingly becoming suburbs of Charlottesville, and voters in the county have much more common interests with our immediate neighbors than we do with distant southern locales. As a voter, I have been gerrymandering out of representation, as have the vast majority of my neighbors.
Lauren Boggs Meslar
As in previous Republican Consultant versions of the HOD map, the division of Albemarle County in this proposal seems to be partisan-oriented instead of community-focused as I thought these new districts were supposed to be. I am a 9th generation Albemarle Co. resident and I live in the current 59th district which is incredibly gerrymandered; I would very much like to be part of the district of my neighbors, 1.5 miles away instead of lumped with those in Lynchburg and further south. The proposal here continues to divide Albemarle unfairly. It should be focused on Albemarle's county line with either Greene or Nelson combined as many of those populations use Albemarle/Cville as their economic and cultural center and existing divisions already group these areas together (JRML system, BRHD sytem).
Greg Brandon
District 5: The El Nido Voting District in Fairfax is stranded in District 5. El Nido is in the McLean Community of Interest. Most of the other HOD Districts do not cross county lines.
Joshua Scott
I’ve lived in Giles County since I was nine years old. I have worked in Blacksburg for around four years. I can tell you while the communities are both beautiful in their own ways they are vastly different. Giles county has more in common with Pulaski County, Bland County and the more rural parts of the New River Valley. They’re more culturally related. Many people in Giles county work at the industrial park in Dublin. I personally have family in bland County like many other people in Giles county. They all have the friendly small town feel. Blacksburg, Radford, and even Christiansburg are more college communities. Many of the people in Christiansburg, Blacksburg, and Radford work at the university or work are a contractor at the university. They’re proud of their athletic and academic heritage. Thank you for your consideration.
Michael Rodemeyer
Do not divide Albemarle into 3 districts! You are dividing a community of interest!
Sally Hudson
I currently serve the House district that includes Charlottesville and Albemarle. Dozens of citizen comments on past versions of this map have asked you not to crack our community into three districts. You can look at a map of Virginia's Metropolitan Statistical Areas to understand why: The Charlottesville-Albemarle MSA includes neither Augusta now Amherst. It doesn't make sense to cross the mountains *or* to stretch down to Lynchburg. Southern Albemarle has much more in common with Northern Albemarle than any part of Albemarle does with Amherst. Albemarle has its civic and economic institutions rooted in Charlottesville. Tens of thousands of County residents work in the City every day. The County courts, offices, and even some schools are physically in the City. It's also true that Albemarle is more connected to either Nelson or Greene than it is with Augusta. Albemarle, Nelson, and Greene all share an MSA, a Planning District, a Health District, a library system, and more. It would make more sense to combine Albemarle with Nelson (population: 15,000) or Greene (population: 20,000) than to cross the Blue Ridge Mountains and cut 16,000 people from Augusta *or* to stretch all the way down to Amherst. In short, you can achieve both goals: (1) Keep Albemarle in just two districts, as dozens of citizen comments have requested. (2) Combine the larger Albemarle district with either Nelson or Greene counties on Highway 29, as many citizen comments have requested. Albemarle, Augusta, and Amherst are in three separate MSAs. They should be in three separate districts.
Tad Miller
Albemarle County should not be split 3 ways. It should be a compact district surrounding Charlottesville and the entire remaining land area of Albemarle county, with portions of the Lake Monticello area of Fluvanna county brought into balance any extra needed population to balance out the population numbers. Lake Monticello is a community of interest for Charlottesville-Albemarle and is completely dependent of the area for its jobs, shopping, medical care, entertainment and transportation needs.
Brady Walker
Floyd County and Pittsylvania County should not be in the same district together. The mountains are a significant barrier and will needlessly make travel difficult for the delegate that represents this district. These regions are also culturally different. Pittsylvania County should be split on an North/South divide. Splitting eastern Pittsylvania County from the 3 main towns in the center separates communities that are closely tied together. Additionally, proposed district 83 should go further south in Pittsylvania County to include areas like Dry Fork, Blairs, and Callands.
Brady Walker
Floyd County and Pittsylvania County should not be in the same district together. The mountains are a significant barrier and will needlessly make travel difficult for the delegate that represents this district. These regions are also culturally different. Pittsylvania County should be split on an North/South divide. Splitting eastern Pittsylvania County from the 3 main towns in the center separates communities that are closely tied together. Additionally, proposed district 83 should go further south in Pittsylvania County.
Please do not include the Lynchburg seat by crossing an easy-to-use natural boundary, the James, so the population works by utilizing Madison Heights. MH, a community of interest I would argue, would be split in half between Lynchburg and Cville suburbs. Lynchburg needs additional areas, so include neighborhoods, like in the B4 map, that are right accross the street in Forest/Bedford or Campbell instead of crossing the river.
Sam Shirazi
This mapmaker is determined to split Albermarle County into 3 districts when it it is possible to place it in 2 districts, one based in Charlottesville and one surrounding it. Elsewhere, there is an obsession with not splitting localities, but not when it is politically inconvenient here. This proposed map would split Albermarle County for no reason and split communities of interest in the Charlottesville area.
Will Pace
The problem with A6 House Map is that it splits communities of interest as it puts Renan, Mt. Airy, Java, Riceville, and Dry Fork in a district with Danville, which should be in a district with Chatham, Gretna, and Hurt. 1) Renan in the northern part of Pittsylvania County is a community of interest to Hurt and should be with Hurt in the same House District. 2) Mt. Airy is a community of interest to Gretna and should be with Gretna in the same House District. 3) Java, Riceville, and Dry Fork are communities of interest to Chatham and should be put in the same House District. Please put Renan, Mt. Airy, Java, Riceville, and Dry Fork in a House district with Chatham, Gretna, and Hurt, which B6 House Map already does. And why is Floyd County in a House district with Pittsylvania County? Should Floyd County be with the New River Valley?
Will Pace
The problem with A6 House Map is that it splits communities of interest as it puts Renan, Mt. Airy, Java, Riceville, and Dry Fork in a district with Danville, which should be in a district with Chatham, Gretna, and Hurt. 1) Renan in the northern part of Pittsylvania County is a community of interest to Hurt and should be with Hurt in the same House District. 2) Mt. Airy is a community of interest to Gretna and should be with Gretna in the same House District. 3) Java, Riceville, and Dry Fork are communities of interest to Chatham and should be put in the same House District. Please put Renan, Mt. Airy, Java, Riceville, and Dry Fork in a House district with Chatham, Gretna, and Hurt, which B6 House Map already does. And why is Floyd County in a House district with Pittsylvania County? Should it be with the New River Valley?
Fran Larkins
The "arm" of District 33 that extends towards the "Southern Gateway" section needs to stop at Potomac Creek or 652 (Truslow Rd.) By going almost down to Route 17, it divides the Community of Interest that includes 2 large over 55 developments - Falls Run by Del Webb and Celebrate by Del Webb which is on the south side of Route 17. You could even out that area with a line drawn along Potomac Creek.