MyDistricting | VIRGINIA
Enterprise Redistricting Software & Services by Citygate GIS
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District 49
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District 59
District 60
District 61
District 62
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Census Legend
Labels visible at zoom level 10.
Labels visible at zoom level 13.
Labels visible at zoom level 17.
Current Map Zoom: 8
Population and Geography based on 2020 census
Tim Baird
Under this plan, HD 64 would include all of Powhatan and the portion of North Chesterfield that includes Bon Air and Midlothian. Bon Air is a suburban community that borders directly on the City of Richmond and shares a community of interest with the Western portions of Richmond and Henrico, as reflected in the jointly proposed Senate Map. Outside of North Chesterfield, Richmond and the West End of Henrico is where Bon Air residents work, shop, and seek entertainment. Public transit lines connect those areas to Bon Air. Bon Air does not share a community of interest with Powhatan, which, as an exurban County, faces many different issues and concerns than those faced by Bon Air residents. As a Bon Air resident who can walk to the Richmond city line from my house in about 5 minutes, I do not support adding North Chesterfield to Powhatan as an appropriate redistricting solution.
Peggy Layne
The city of Radford is a university community that has more in common with Blacksburg and Montgomery County than with neigboring Pulaski County. Try moving Radford into district 94 and moving rural Craig County into an adjacent district.
Bob West
District 23 is competitive but leans strongly Republican.
Bob West
District 24 is a strong Democrat seat. I marked this wrong with my other comment.
Bob West
District 94 is competitive.
Bob West
District 77 is competitive. It also has a 46% Black population.
Bob West
District 75 is not competitive. I got the number wrong.
Bob West
District 77 is competitive.
Bob West
District 76 is competitive that leans a little Democrat.
Bob West
District 71 is a competitive seat that leans a little Republican.
Bob West
District 70 is a competitive seat.
Bob West
District 69 is a Black majority seat.
Bob West
District 68 is a Black majority seat.
Bob West
District 66 is a Black Majority seat.
Bob West
District 65 is a Black majority seat.
Bob West
District 60 is a Black majority seat.
Bob West
District 63 is a competitive seat that strong Democrat could win.
Bob West
District 62 is a competitive seat.
Bob West
District 58 is a competitive seat.
Bob West
District 57 is a competitive seat that leans toward the Democrats.
Bob West
District 56 is a majority Black seat.
Bob West
District 55 is a Majority Black seat.
Bob West
District 53 is a competitive seat that leans toward the Republicans.
Bob West
District 51 is a competitive seat that leans toward the Republicans.
Bob West
District 49 is a black majority seat.
Bob West
District 47 is a Black majority seat.
Bob West
District 45 is a competitive seat that leans a little toward the Democrats.
Bob West
District 42 is a Black Majority seat.
Bob West
District 40 is a Black minority access seat at 35%. I did not see a way to get the seat to 50% plus 1 voter.
Bob West
District 26 is an Asian access seat at 38%. I did not see a way to get the seat to 50% plus 1.
Bob West
District 21 is a Black majority access seat at 38%. I could not find a way to get it to 50% plus 1 voter.
Bob West
District 34 is just a little more Republican. Either party could win this seat.
Bob West
District 33 is almost a dead heat. Either part could win this seat.
Bob West
District 30 Favors the Republicans a little but is very competitive.
Bob West
District 29 favors the Democrat a little but is still very competitive.
Bob West
District 25 should be very competitive.
Bob West
This district leans Republican with a just over 5% advantage. A strong Democrat could win it.
John D Hopkins
Your shape for District 96 makes sense if you only have a flat map to look at. But consider that the south edge of Floyd County follows the escarpment of the Blue Ridge. There's a big drop from Floyd into Patrick or Franklin county, and because of that, we in Floyd have a lot more social and commercial connection with Montgomery and Pulaski counties than with Patrick or Franklin.
John D Hopkins
Or were you thinking that Northeast Roanoke is more like the Hollins neighborhood than it is like the rest of the city?
John D. Hopkins
If you're going to have a piece of the City of Roanoke be in the 91st District, with Salem, wouldn't it make sense to let it be a piece that adjoins Salem?